Friday, June 9, 2017


Perhaps it is my own limited understanding of the British political system, or perhaps not appreciating the British mentality, but I have yet to comprehend why a non-binding referendum, which resulted in an essentially even split, couldn’t be revisited.  

It is generally accepted that pre-referendum polling gave the Brits a false sense of the outcome and, therefore, affected negatively the non-“Brexit” vote tally (sound familiar?).  Still, Parliament had to provide an official vote to carry out the supposed “will” of the people as reflected in the referendum. Nothing was etched in stone.

They (Parliament) chose to ignore the reality that more than half of their nation did not want to leave the EU. Likely it was significantly more.

They probably should have initially required something like a 60% margin to effect a “Brexit” from the EU instead of a simple majority vote.  Yet they weren’t bound by lack of foresight.  They could have started a second referendum effort. Now here they are, plowing ahead like lemmings trying desperately to get to the sea.

We in the USA are not as fortunate as the British when it comes to making bonehead mistakes on a national scale. The stability that our Constitution affords us by strict guidelines also hobbles the avenues of repairing those mistakes in a fashion that doesn’t require nationwide radical surgery.

As a Nation we need to step back to see what’s happening in America. Not back into the stratosphere to view ourselves like so many confused ant colonies. Just far enough not to be bogged down in the details of Donald Trump’s confounded presidency and the obvious efforts to find some way to get him out.

Donald Trump does have his supporters.  However, the number of them that fit his definition (those that would stand by him as he pulled out his Smith & Wesson and shot that Ohio tourist who was checking out the stores on 5th Avenue) is not politically significant.  Bizarre…yes, but politically relevant…no.  Republican leaders don’t seem to understand that.

The significant majority of Americans either knows or senses that we, as the body politic of the most powerful nation on earth (both economically and militarily) made a colossal boo-boo. The reasons at this point are only valuable for the next Presidential election cycle. The question is what do we do now?

The complexity of that mistake is exacerbated by the rest of the Federal Government (primarily the Republican majority in power) vying to seek out their own self-interest under the circumstances, even if it conflicts with the obvious.  Communications in this digital age of the who and why is so voluminous and so saturated with bias that unless something extraordinarily clear is uncovered (i.e. indisputable crimes) the political class will likely resolve nothing.

Do not expect impeachment or a functioning Federal Government. Neither those who find advantage in Trump continuing in Office nor those who want him out will do anything more than to make us all float helplessly in muddy waters.

So what can we do?

Stepping back away from the minutiae, we need to begin our own Truxit. Given the restrictions of our Constitution, it will need to be a nearly four year effort done in two major steps. First, the neutralizing of Donald trump, like sour cream on a hot wing. And second, his removal from office, which will likely be his decision not to seek reelection, making him a lame duck President in two years.

This can be done simply by voting in Congressional Democrats, giving them the majority in both the House and Senate following the 2018 elections. Forget about the candidate…vote the Party.

No, my Conservative friends, the world will not come to an end. However, for the remainder of Trump’s Presidency we will have balance. The appetite for stability will win out over the binge consuming of confusion. The war over Conservative vs. Liberal can start all over again in 2020, but at least we will have some reason to believe it will be underwritten with competency.

 Truxit needs to be a clarion call for all but the blood thirsty 5th Avenue spectators.  Let’s show the British what we can do.

1 comment:

R. Beagle said...

Sounds plausible enough. At least plausible enough for a science fiction novel. But the Dems retaking both houses is still a really, really long shot hope. Mr. T's being a dangerous idiot does not make the Democrats look any more attractive to a large swath of the pop. Many will likely try to hold their breath and look the other way for 4 years.

Nevertheless, I will continue to do everything in my power to assist your vision's coming true.
