Friday, May 27, 2016

Elizabeth Warren through Me

If I could choose a dream job this year it would be to work on Elizabeth Warren’s speech writing staff.  There is no politician left-of-center in this country who can match her ability to present concepts with both conveyed understanding and honest compassion.  Frankly, I feel it is likely there is no one, left, right, or center, who can match her, but then…I have a bias.

That said, no such dream job is coming my way.  However, I figured I could play my little role anyway.  I’d write her a short speech, maybe more than one, and post them to this blog.  

Right now she has chosen to expose early the unstable nature and character of the Republican Presidential Nominee and in doing so expose the Republican Party itself, as their candidate is of their creation.  I want to join in, even in this very small way.

"Elizabeth Warren" on Trump, May 2016

Broadcast May 17th, Donald Trump ended his friendly Megan Kelly interview with these words; “…if I don’t win, I will consider it to be a total and complete waste of time, energy, and money”. Think about it. What is this man saying? You could not find a more shallow narrative, in this great land, for someone seeking its highest office.

Why do any of us do anything?  Sure we want prosperity, we want security, we want to raise our children to survive our lives, hopefully with joys that far surpass our own. We want to feel our labors have value. Conservative and liberal, black and white, rich and poor, or the middle class, we all set our goals and expectations. In this we have more in common than we have differences.

With these efforts, or even struggles, there are successes and failures.  Ya win some and ya lose some. Who’s not familiar with that? But who are the real losers?

The young single mother who strives to raise her children using whatever help available is not a loser, the banker who lost his deal on principal is not a loser, the news producer who suffered a loss in ratings by choosing to ignore untruths is not a loser, the student saddled with debt who struggles to find a career is not a loser. 

We are supremely blessed to live in a nation with almost incalculable success relative to the rest of the world and history.  We still fail and often, but the resilience by which we struggle and manage the many changes we face become our finest moments.  It is why I believe that America is greater today than whatever time it is that Donald Trump thinks he wants to take us back to.

Make America Great Again is really only a slogan fashioned for reality TV.

Trump may end up being one of our finest moments.  To the extent the voters of this Country rally behind all his opponents and also against those that support him at every level of Government we may be entering a new era of optimism and unification…a grinding end to a Cold Civil War.

Like most Americans, I am tired of systemic and heartless discrimination, tired of people convinced to be scared of anyone not like themselves, tired of the denial of science, and tired of feeling apprehensive with those who may not think just as I do.  This tiresome American is what Donald Trump would take us back to. It isn’t winning.

What Trump was saying in his final comment to Megan Kelly was if I don’t win, then screw you America, you weren’t worth it. I’d have done better using my time, energy, and money picking up a few more foreclosed properties.

Donald Trump, considering his current position as leader of the Republican Party and nominee for President, is the ultimate loser.  He's a loser because he has no concept of what winning is. In fact, his narrow, caustic, narcissistic personality will never…never allow him to actually win. He personifies the lowest, most hideous human characteristic short of sadism – insatiable self-interest.

The greater sadness, even danger is to those who are choosing to emulate what Trump represents.  Please pay attention and realize that all your efforts have meaning, as do the honest efforts of those you encounter. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing in life.




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