Friday, March 4, 2016

Trump's Manhood?

I have enjoyed the Cheshire cat position of favoring Trump because I assumed his candidacy would cause the dysfunctional Republican Party to implode.  No more. 

After the February 25th “debate” and the endless playground rhetoric culminating with last night’s March 3rd fecal assault on this Nation and the World, I can no longer take it. All four of these men are repulsive, nauseating, vile, abhorrent, detestable, gut-wrenching….am I missing something?

Moreover, the sty in which these human swine have chosen to wallow is equally repugnant. That would include “conservative” media, notably Conservative talk radio, and that supportive portion of the Republican electorate which has more in common with David Duke and reality TV than any historical Republican laurels.

Although it might be reduced to the level of titter and twitter, the seminal moment in last night’s debate came early.  During the past week or so Marco Rubio, et al, had decided to have his campaign go Trump. I felt it wasn’t working because in doing so he appeared even less Presidential than he did before, were that possible.  I should have known better, although I believe I remained half-right.

Rubio’s team decided they needed to take the Donald down. However, intentional or not, they decided to employ kamikaze tactics.  If their goal was to goat Trump’s ego into self-destruction they may have succeeded, even if Marco’s candidacy went down in flames doing so.  All the normal insults weren’t working so they were trying hair color, facial makeup, cowardly incontinence, and (what the hell…might as well go all the way) penis size.

So there we have it. Trump could not resist, I guess no more than Rubio could. This time the messenger deserved to be shot, but Trump decided instead to defend his penis to the world. There was no problem (there), he said, “…I guarantee it”. I wish I knew Latin, because there’s got to be some ancient pithy quote out there that puts all this together.

So now we’re faced with should we believe him?  Forget about his tax returns, we need some objective verification on the size of Trump's manhood.  Polling amongst his numerous significant others (married or otherwise) might work.  Instead of bland numbers, the Republican electorate would probably prefer check-off boxes with pictures; cucumber, banana, jalapeƱo, or wine cork for example. Is he circumcised or not, and does that make a difference?  What about Marco and the other two contenders, how do they compare? There are just so many questions that need to be answered.

Well, I’m not going to wait for the answers to those critical questions, any more than I could lift my eyes to the TV last night as I heard what I heard. 

I long ago lost respect for the current Republican Party, its racially bias obsession with undermining the Obama Administration to the point of sacrificing any kind of national wellbeing.  The issue of health care alone strips that party of any credibility as representatives of the Nation as a whole. But now I have also lost any charitably opinion for those in the general electorate who are duped by these self-interested egos. 

The sports team mentality toward politics now governing the Republican Party and its supporters, which benefits only the team owners, deserves no consideration…at least not on my part. The Democrats had better get their act together because hope is no longer a word in the GOP lexicon, and with post-Obama Dems it’s on life-support.

We’re a Nation that desperately needs that little boy to step out of the crowd and point out that the Emperor has no clothes.  Someone of consequence has to convince an electorate that these Republican candidates are all stark naked, that their imaginary garbs will do nothing to improve the lives of the American people, and that the Party they represent has lost its grip on reality. However, it will do no good if in the revelation of that nudity the Republican electorate is only interested in the parts that are displayed.


Unknown said...

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” -George Carlin

“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” -Mark Twain

I have never enjoyed the current method of political debate, due to the lack of fact checking and popularity contest appearance. Moreso, Trump has been using the same tactics as a middle school child to become popular; unfortunately, the target audience seems to have the same level of IQ. I can only hope that if Trump continues, the democratic challenger will not engage in his stupid, literally stupid, conversation. (I'm glad that Mitt Romney is speaking out.)

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Scott, I agree. Jay, "seminal"? It's a slippery slope...!