Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Obama Syndrome

There is no need today for an untainted small boy to point out that the Emperor has no clothes.

For a majority of Americans, Donald Trump has strutted about bare-ass naked since before he was elected.  In fact, his irrational, crude, and narcissistic nakedness has become so pervasive that each additional time he flashes himself before important policies and people, foreign or domestic; there is no shock value left to be had.

We have become numb to this Administration’s deficiencies. Should Trump bungle us into a military conflict, apathy may very well be the first reaction…at least until body bags start being flown home or we see pictures of innocents stacked like cord wood.

Despite the Donald’s obvious display of exposed incompetence and degenerate behavior, the more perplexing question is not why his gross nudity doesn’t undermine his Presidency? Yes, the real conundrum is why so many people, the loyal 30 percent, still see him fully clothed, no matter how many small boys shout that he isn’t.

It has been a question I have been grappling with for two and a half years.

After a number of conversations with Trump supporters and Christian Conservative Republicans generally (albeit short conversations, as those individuals tend to abruptly turn and walk away), and after intensely pondering why they so adamantly support Trump in the face of his eviscerating truth (e.g. Jerry Falwell, Jr., who essentially lays prostate at Trump’s feet) I have finally arrived at a conclusion:

Other than the Jerry Falwells of the nation, most of these people in the famed “30% base” don’t like Trump…they just simply hate Obama. They suffer from a self-inflicted Obama Syndrome. The famed “lock her up” chant was always meant for Barack.

Trump knows this intuitively if not intellectually.  Never in my lifetime have I heard any US President before Trump (that would be 11) make anything other than rare and casual references to their predecessor. Trump evokes Obama’s name like it was a Buddhist mantra, blaming him for every screw up that Trump’s campaign and administration has initiated or overseen.  

Trump’s overwhelmingly transparent Presidential policy goal is to trash or dismantle anything that was accomplished during the Obama Administration.  He has no other coordinated agenda (c’mon folks, this is way too obvious).  It is why he can so easily hate and defame a deceased American champion, John McCain, who kept him from completely destroying “Obamacare” (the one law that colloquially bears Obama’s name).

Over that past 10 years I have heard on multiple occasions the same statement (more or less) from Conservative individuals who I believe to be generally very good people: “Obama is/was the worst President this Country has ever had.” The worst??  What do the not-so-good Conservatives think?

Obama took office with an Economy in crisis; the equity (stock) markets were in virtual free fall and massive unemployment prevailed. Under Obama the Economy stabilized, equity markets increased by about 260%, the unemployment rate dropped by nearly 7%. The worst President??

During Trump’s tenure the equity markets have increased by 35% (all of it in Trump’s first year before he enacted a single measure. Since his “panacea” tax cut took affect the equity markets have been volatile and flat – i.e. that 35% is more attributable to Obama than Trump).  Under Trump the unemployment rate has dropped a whopping 1% (which is about as far as it could drop, and would have no matter who was President).

I’m not going to go to efforts the Obama’s administration made to improve healthcare, eliminated Osama Bin Laden, reversed torture policy, saved the US auto industry, eliminate LGBT discrimination in the Military, advance foreign respect, and so many more.

I’m not even going into the fact of Obama’s intelligence, his family values, or his decency. He met individually with every parent who lost a child at Sandy Hook (20 sets of parents) without press. No one even knew it happened until much later.

The worst President? Martin Van Buren? Herbert Hoover? Warren Harding? Richard Nixon? George W. Bush? The worst President?? That is irrational.

Donald Trump’s beloved 30% see him fully clothed because they have been fed with fear and hatred of “liberals”, “socialists”, “welfare recipients”, “pacifists”,  “feminists”, and “sexual degenerates” (to name a few) since the second term of the Reagan Administration, with roots dating back 150 years.

They have been given this steady diet by Fox News, Talk Radio, their churches, and the Republican Party.  Obama, a black Liberal Democrat, represented everything wrong in their lives and everything they were told was wrong in their lives. To them Obama was the worst President ever the day he took office. Donald Trump and his hate of Obama was and is their drug of choice for that fear, even as they force themselves to ignore Trump's behavior.  

The Obama Syndrome was a critical component of why Hillary Clinton did not win the 2016 election in a landslide.  However, The Obama Syndrome is all the reason why an ignorant, con man continues to stand stark naked before packed coliseums…wearing only a grin.

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