Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hiding Underneath the Sheets

Fox News and Conservative Talk Radio have spent some focus on a recent filmed podcast which included an interview with Susan Rice. The segment they broadcast (Fox & Friends repeated it five times in secession) showed Susan Rice calling Lindsey Graham “A piece of S**T” (they beeped out the word). She was actually repeating back what the interviewer said, but clearly she embraced the analogy.

As a matter of literary merit, I like to avoid writing profanity (or what used to be considered profanity) in my blog. So let’s just call Lindsey Graham a “piece of sheet”.

Following Lindsey Graham over the past 3 years has become as convoluted as following Trump, and following Trump is like watching a Roomba vacuum cleaner at work. Only in Trump’s case the Roomba deposits grime on the floor instead of picking it up.

Lindsey Graham is a piece of sheet and as such has become the darling of Conservative media (which is pretty much just the Fox Network and Conservative Talk Radio). His media outlets are in contrast with all other media which both Graham and Trump categorically label as “fake”. The question is: has he always been a sheet and, if not, why has he become one now?

Given his stand on social issues, typically and stalwartly Conservative, he is an odd duck. His apparent and virtual lack of family and social life has long fueled speculation that he is a closeted gay, which either conflicts with or explains his outspoken “defense of marriage” position. At the very least he is a monk by Washington standards. However, his career path has complimented his Conservative credentials with a long record in the military JAG corps (SC National Guard), three terms in the House, and on this third term in the Senate.

He is comfortable being outspoken in Congress, enjoys (and seeks) media coverage of himself, and looks for occasions to be bombastic. Contrast his input in the last Kavanaugh hearing to everyone else, Democrat or Republican. Still, he was noted for following the lead of someone he claimed to befriend, John McCain. In doing so he held to his favorite positions on hawkish foreign affairs while still working compromises with those more liberal. He had enjoyed a reasonable reputation of integrity, even with those who adamantly disagreed with him.

Then came Donald.

When Trump entered the Republican camp as a truly possible contender to lead the Party there was no mistake in how Graham viewed that possibility. With Trump leading the Presidential race and Graham essentially out of the running, Graham stated on camera that Trump was “…a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot, he doesn’t represent my (Republican) party. I don’t think he has a clue about anything…he is empowering radical Islam. You know how to make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell. I’d rather lose (the Presidency) without Donald Trump than try to win with him.”

No ambiguity there.

Since Trump was inaugurated, however, Lindsey easily managed to climb Pennsylvania Avenue and prostrate himself at the feet of the Buddha. His defense of Trump has become shocking in it veracity, even as most of his Republican colleagues grit their teeth and numb their tongues with the daily Trump SNAFUs . Forest Gump’s famous line “stupid is as stupid does” appears to have no meaning for Graham who seems more than willing to back Trump up with bellicose enthusiasm regardless of underlying idiocy.

Please don’t get me wrong. Lindsey Graham is not alone. There is a cadre of Republican sheets on Capitol Hill who are more than willing to vocally support Trump with the clear goal of protecting their Party over the Nation’s interests. The proof is in their ever increasing suspension of reality. They are like the parents of a wayward criminal (adult) child, who they feel with each crime or assault just needs more love and support. The virtual absence of any critical assessment of this ignorant, out of control, narcissistic President is prima facie evidence.

But Lindsey is special. Given his 180 degree about face from reality to reality TV, he is neither a full size nor queen size. Rather he has become the king size sheet in trying to cover the corrupt and corroded body we know as the Trump Administration. Why? Frankly, I don’t know. Party? Ego? To echo Trump’s oft used rejoinder: “Who knows?” Maybe the better question is whether next year the people of South Carolina will care or not.

I think there is one thing we can feel comfortable in knowing. Lindsey Graham would rather be a sheet than emulate the likes of John McCain, who would not have served Party, himself, and Country…in that order.

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